church staff

Interim Minister: Catherine Erwin
Office Manager: Dawn Vecillo-Smith
Bookkeeper: Mary Schmidt
Custodian: Ann Schueler 
Minister: Open

Church council

The governing body of the congregation is the Full Membership when assembled for Congregational Meetings. The Church Council, acting on behalf of the Membership between Congregational meetings, is the policy-making body of the church and transacts the business of the Church. The Council consists of Officers and the Chairperson of each Ministry. Other Committees deemed necessary are appointed by the President of the Church Council.


President:  Marianne Kingsmill

Vice President: Stephen Litchfield

Interim Financial Secretary: Noah Dihel 

Secretary: Susan Johnson

Treasurer: Mark Ellsworth

Ministry Boards

Worship: Joyce McNeil & Mary Dihel 

Outreach: Laura Dihel

Christian Education: Marlene Palmer & Judy Willams

Activities: Jackie Ellsworth

Buildings and Grounds: Ron Johnson

Stewardship: Tom Kay